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Friday Facts #417 - Space Age development

Posted by kovarex on 2024-06-28

Hello, we usually show finished stuff in Friday facts these days, but I personally always liked to have a peek behind the curtains and see the (temporary) mess there. This motivated me to do some kind of overview of how the overall expansion development felt from my perspective. If you are like me, you might appreciate it. Our story starts in February 2021 with FFF-365 when we announced the plan to do the expansion pack.

Friday Facts #275 - 0.17 Science changes

Posted by V453000 & Albert on 2018-12-28

It's the last Friday of 2018, and as such the last Friday Facts before the New year of 2019. We all hope everyone has had a great 2018, and looking forward to a lot more automation fun to come in 2019. Albert has produced a postcard for you all to share to give the year a good send-off.

Friday Facts #165 - Death by a thousand cuts

Posted by Rseding91 on 2016-11-18

Mod settings Right now when you want to customize a particular mod you have to: Know what folder the mods are stored on your computer Unzip the mod Figure out what line of which file has the thing you want to change Save and optionally re-zip the mod Hope what you changed is compatible with the way the rest of the mod works The game also forces everyone playing on the same multiplayer session to have identical mod files so any changes you've made make it impossible for you to join others unless they also have made those changes. This also makes it difficult for mod developers to troubleshoot bug reports because they don't know what you might have changed. This is obviously not so great and I want to address the main problem: there's no good way for mod developers to give users any portable way to configure their mods. To fix this we're going to add the ability for mods to define settings that will be presented like our in-game options menu now under a new section "options -> mods". This will let mods give some basic information about what kind of setting they have and we can present it to the player in a (hopefully) nice GUI with verification and feedback about why what they've entered isn't valid (if it's not valid) as well as the ability to change them runtime should the particular setting allow it. We can then sync these settings on joining multiplayer sessions (or not should you not want your settings to carry between games) and everything will just work.

Friday Facts #129 - The late game

Posted by kovarex on 2016-03-11

Hello, these Friday Facts are focused solely on our view of gameplay issues in Factorio, and our plans to solve these.

Friday Facts #172 - Blending and Rendering

Posted by Posila & V453000 on 2017-01-06

Alpha blending and pre-multiplied alpha From time to time there is some confusion inside the team about how sprites are blended with the background when rendering, and what kind of effects we are able to achieve by tinting the sprites. So I (Posila) have decided to write up a few paragraphs about how alpha blending works (not only in Factorio), and what it means when someone talks about pre-multiplied alpha. When the GPU is figuring out what color it should draw on a particular pixel position, it runs a blending operation on just the computed pixel color and original color in the render target. There are several common blending operation modes (additive, multiplicative, overwrite, etc.), but the most common one used in Factorio is alpha blending. It calculates the resulting color using following equation (usually the new color is called 'source' and the background color that is being overwritten is called 'destination'): You can easily see that a source with alpha 0 will be fully transparent and the one with alpha 1 will be fully opaque. In games it is common to use a pre-multiplied alpha, which means the color channels of textures are stored in memory being already pre-multiplied by the alpha channel. Alpha blending with pre-multiplied alpha uses a simplified equation: Besides a slight performance gain from the GPU not having to do bunch of multiplication all the time, this equation allow us to do some extra effects we couldn't do without pre-multiplied alpha. Factorio renders sprites as colored polygons with texture. We usually refer to the color of a polygon as the 'tint', and every pixel of a sprite is multiplied with its tint. This is useful mainly for color masks, for example the diesel locomotive has a grayscale color mask which is tinted by the color it has set. Tints should have a pre-multiplied alpha too, but they don't have to, so we can use it to lie about the colors and alpha to the GPU. For example if we use tint {r=1,g=1,b=1,a=0} we can simplify previous equation even further and we get additive blending: This is great because that means we can switch between alpha and additive blending without having to change the blending state in graphics API, which would break sprite batching and result in an increase in the CPU cost of rendering. For some effects we use a tint with alpha between 0 and 1 heavily. This makes the result appear to be a combination of additive and alpha blending. For example, fire would eventually blend into a single solid color with pure additive blending, or would not look like it is emitting light with pure alpha blending. By using tint (1, 1, 1, 0.35) on the flame sprites, the brightness of overlapping flames adds up partially, but the flames don't completely lose their details. The same trick is used for smoke. Textures with pre-multiplied alpha also produce better results in texture filtering , which is probably the main reason why they are so widely used in the videogame industry.

Friday Facts #131 - Roadmap shuffle

Posted by kovarex on 2016-03-25

Hello Factory builders.

Friday Facts #160 - Playtesting

Posted by kovarex on 2016-10-14

Hello, once I changed the science packs for 0.15 , I had to do a playtest to have a feel of how the changes affect the game. I finished it just before writing this post: This was the first single player playthrough in a long time, so there was a lot of new findings. I also enjoyed all the new features, like blueprint book, auto trash, train conditions etc. These were little things but they helped a lot.

Friday Facts #215 - Multithreading issues

Posted by kovarex & Klonan on 2017-11-03

Hello, it is Friday once again.

Friday Facts #396 - Sound improvements in 2.0

Posted by Donion, Ian on 2024-02-02

Hello, Today we will be looking at (and listening to!) many of the sound improvements we have been working on for 2.0.

Friday Facts #353 - Trailer update

Posted by Klonan, V453000 on 2020-06-26

Locale plan update Klonan Earlier this week I received the English proofreadings from Altagram, and overall I integrated over 500 suggestions into the game. Most were small, such as replacing "can't" with "cannot", things like that. It was the exact sort of external scrutiny we really needed, as it showed some areas where we were quite inconsistent. It feels like things are in a better place now, even if the majority of changes are relatively unnoticeable. However it was very noticeable to our great community translators on Crowdin. When we update the English strings, the translations have to be updated on Crowdin. For the last few days I've been working through the issues raised on Crowdin, and there was a lot of good input on that last 1% of the changes. So this concludes the 'English proofreading' phase. Starting on Monday, Altagram will start proofreading the target languages, and filling in any missing strings where needed. This should take about 3 weeks. Since Altagram has their own translation system for their team, it isn't really feasible to include Crowdin in this part of the work, they will just take the content from Crowdin at the start of the process, and after 3 weeks, push what they have back to Crowdin. So any translation work by volunteers on Crowdin for these 3 weeks would be wasted. So we ask that, if you want to volunteer your time, save it for a little while. Any work done on Crowdin this weekend will be included. We deliberately made this buffer between the English corrections and the Target proofreading so that the players on Crowdin have an opportunity to contribute before Altagram starts. After Altagram has pushed their corrections back to Crowdin, we will start the 'Community review' part of the process. This is when the work that Altagram's team has done is reviewed by players and feedback is given to Altagram via Crowdin issues. This helps us make sure the terms of the translations are consistent with the established community usage, and ensure there are no contextual issues or misunderstandings.